What do we offer?

The OTC alliance is an interactive global network of surgeons and scientists, dedicated to the development and improvement of osteosynthesis and trauma care in general. They train physicians through globally organized CME-accredited courses and events, symposia, forums, and fellowships. In addition, the OTC contributes to scientific research through financial support and the sharing and dissemination of knowledge in publications and during conferences.

Our organization includes 19 local OTC chapters around the world. We offer services to these chapters and other affiliated organizations by interlinking them through common meetings. We are also able to directly address them and their members via a global web platform. All local OTC chapters organize courses to improve trauma care with surgeons of different experience.

They are also encouraged to enhance their education through sharing experience and curricula of training courses in their Chapters. We stimulate the international focus on the latest “hot topics” and guide research through international symposia. This leads to the award of research grants and the conduct of research courses.

The OTC-Nederland Foundation, in collaboration with Stryker B.V., has been organizing locally accredited osteosynthesis courses for Surgery and Orthopaedics for many years. In these courses, the principles of operative fracture treatment are taught at different levels by a faculty of leading local experts (OTC associates) and demonstrated and practiced in workshops.

 In these courses, the principles of operative fracture treatment are taught at different levels by a faculty of leading local experts (OTC associates) and demonstrated and practiced in workshops. In addition, by means of case discussions, what has been learned is translated into clinical practice.
Check out the website of OTC Foundation International here.

Feedback & Reviews

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“Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit.”

Jonathan Alvarez

Financial Manager at Acme

“Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit.”

Russell Kennedy

Assistant Buyer at Globex

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Janice Griffin

Copywriter at Dynamic

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